2013 Plant List










Ryan Gainey Selections ™
Our collaboration with world-renowned designer Ryan Gainey has led us to develop a collection of his favorite plants. Plants he has selected and promoted to reflect the palette of his self expression.


Adenophora liliifolia
     Lady Bells.  Low foliage rosette, fragrant bell-like flowers in midsummer
     on 2-3’ stems.  Heat tolerant.  Sun/Part-shade. 18” x 12-15”. Zone 3-8.
Adenophora tashiroi
     Long racemes of nodding violet-blue bells June-August on well branched,
     slender-stemmed dark green plants.  Better heat tolerance than Campanulas.
     Sun/Part-shade.  12-18” x 12”.  Zone 5-8.
Anemone x hybrida ‘Honorine Jorbet’
     Japanese Anemone.  Single, 2-3” white blooms in fall on robust plants.
     Lush, dark green foliage.  Part shade.  2.5-3” x 2’.  Zone 5-8.
Aguilegia nepalensis
     Nepal Columbine.  Clusters of delicate, deep blue flowers held above dark
     green foliage in late spring.  Sun/Part-shade.  12-24” x 18”.  Zone 3-9.
Aquilegia nepalensis ‘Alba’
     White flowered form of A. nepalensis selected by Alex Smith.
Araujia sericifera
     Cruel Vine.  Twining vine with fragrant white waxy flowers from summer
     through fall.  Part-shade.  20-30’.  Zone 8-10.
Aster carolinianus
     Climbing Aster.  Panicles of mauve, yellow-centered daisies open in the fall
     at the ends of long, arching stems.  Sun/Part-shade.  6-8’ x 2-2.5’. Zone 4-8.
Aster grandiflorus
     Large Flowered Aster.  Large, showy, deep purple flowers in fall.  Thin ray
     petals with yellow disk flowers.  Sun/Part-shade.  2-5’ x 2-2.5’.  Zone 5-8.
Aster oblongifolius ‘Rachael Jackson’
     Rachael’s Aster.  Selected from the garden of Rachael Jackson at the
     Hermitage in Nashville, Tennessee.  Late fall blooming with masses of
     lavender-blue blooms.  Sun/Part-shade.  2-3’ x 2-3’.  Zone 4-8.
Chrysanthemum x morifolium ‘Ryan’s Pink’
     Large, single daisies with soft-pink petals and golden yellow centers.
     Upright, bushy plants.  A Goodness Grows introduction.  Sun/Part-shade.
     2-2.5’ x 2’.  Zone 4.
Chrysanthemum x morifolium ‘Thanksgiving’
     Found blooming on Thanksgiving Day.  Single, burnt-orange blooms. Same
     robust plant characteristics as  Ryan’s other selections.  2-2.5’ x 2’.  Zone 4. 
Chrysanthemum x morifolium ‘Ryan’s Yellow’
     Same characteristics as ‘Ryan’s Pink’ but with soft-yellow blooms.  Sun/
     Part-shade.  A Goodness Grows introduction.  2-2.5’ x 2’.  Zone 4.
Dianthus plumarius ‘Rose de Mai’
     Old-fashioned cottage pink.  Double, light pink, very fragrant blooms in
     spring.  Forms neat mounds of blue/gray foliage.  Full Sun.  12-18” x 12”.
     Zone 4-9.
Digitalis purpurea ‘Alba’
     White flowered selection of biennial foxglove.  Showy spikes of bell-
     shaped tubular flowers May-June. Sun/Part-shade.  3-3.5’ x 1.5-2’.
     Zone 4-9.  
Digitalis x ‘Emerson’
     White-flowering hybrid selected by Marc Richardson for its pure color,
     robust growth habit, and lengthy bloom time.  A Goodness Grows
     introduction.  Sun/Part-shade.  3-5’ x 1.5-2’.  Zone 4-9.
Cassia corymbosa
     Argentina Senna. Tender perennial shrub.  Showy, bright yellow pea-like
     blooms late summer through fall. Attractive pinnately compound foliage.
     Sun/Part-shade.  6-10’ x 3-4’.  Zone 8-10. 
Erigeron flagellaris ‘Profusion’
     Trailing Fleabane.  Small, white and pink daisy-like flowers throughout
     summer.  Great for walls, containers, or borders.  Sun/Part-shade. 
     6-12” x 18-24”.  Zone 5-8.
Eupatorium maculatum ‘Gateway’
     Joe-Pye Weed.  Huge lavender flower heads in late summer.  Erect clumps
     with coarsely serrated, dark green, lance-shaped leaves on purple spotted
     stems.  Full Sun.  4-6’ x 4’.  Zone 4-9.
Euphorbia epithymoides
     Cushion Spurge.  Mounds of green foliage covered with bright yellow
     flowers in spring.  Foliage turns reddish in fall.  Sun/Part-shade. 
     12” x 18”.  Zone 4-8. 
Fragaria vesca
     Alpine Strawberry.  Compact, decorative, ever-bearing plants with dark
     green foliage produce delicious, aromatic strawberries spring through fall.
     Sun/Part-shade.  6-8” x 6-8”.  Zone 5-8.
Hesperis matronalis
     Dame’s Rocket.  Showy, highly fragrant, purple flowers May-June. 
     Biennial.  Sun/Part-shade.  24-36” x 15-18”.  Zone 4-8.
Hesperis matronalis ‘Alba’
     White flowered selection.
Iris hexagona
     Dixie Iris.  Light lavender to deep purple with a rich yellow central stripe.
     Multi-flowered infloresence with two terminal flowers. Very fragrant
     blooms in spring.  Stiff, erect bright green leaves arise from shallow rooted
     branching rhizomes.  Full Sun.  18-24” x 18-24’.  Zone 7-10.
Lathyrus latifolius
     Perennial Sweet Pea.  Long lasting pink flowers on vigorous climbing
     vines.  Sun/Part-shade.  6-9’ x 2’.  Zone 4-8.
Lavandula x intermedia ‘Provence’
     Provence Lavender.  Tall, graceful, sturdy flower spikes above excellent,
     gray-green fragrant foliage.Great for hedges.  Full Sun.  2-3’ x 2’. 
     Zone 5-9.

 Leucanthemum x suberbum ‘Ryan’s White’
     Ryan’s Daisy.  Large 3” white daisies on tall, strong stems.  Thick, dark
     green foliage forms massive clumps.  A Goodness Grows introduction. 
     Sun/Part-shade.  3-3.5’ x 2’. Zone 5-9.
Lilium phillippinense
     Phillippine Lily.  Long, funnel-shaped, fragrant white blooms on tall sturdy
     stems.  Late blooming selection.  Sun/Part-shade.  6-7’ x 2’.  Zone 7-9.
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Salem’
     Salem Rosemary.  Highly fragrant culinary herb.  A North Carolina
     selection with thick, sturdy, dark green foliage and bright, dark blue
     flowers.  Full Sun.  3-4’ x 2-3’.  Zone 7-10.
Rudbeckia triloba
     Brown-eyed susan.  Plants burst into bloom in late summer with masses of
     brillant yellow flowers with button-shaped jet-black centers that fade to
     brown.  Sun/Part-shade.  2-3’ x 2-3’.  Zone 4-9.
Salvia leucantha
     Mexican Bush Sage.  Fragrant velvety purple flower spikes late summer
     through fall.  Graceful habit.  Forms large clumps of highly fragrant gray-
     green foliage.  Full Sun.  3-4’ x 2-3’.  Zone 8-10.
Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’
     Goldenrod.  Lacy, radiating, sparkling golden-yellow flower spikes 
     provide brilliant fall color.  A North Carolina Botanical Garden
     introduction.  Sun/Part-shade.  2-4’ x 2-3’.  Zone 4-8.
Thymus vulgaris ‘Provencal’
     French Thyme.  Excellent culinary variety and essential ingredient for
     ‘Herbes de Provence’.  Tiny, gray-green leaves on neat upright plants.
     Selected by Thomas DeBaggio.  Full Sun.  12-16” x 24”.  Zone 5-8.
Verbascum chaixii
     Perennial Mullein.  Prolific spikes of bright yellow flowers with rosy-
     violet stamens rising above basal rosettes of gray-green foliage. 
     Full Sun.  3-3.5’ x 2-2.5’.  Zone 4-8.


Browallia elata
     Browallia.  Produces a profusion of violet-blue flowers from mid-may
     until frost.  Wonderful substitute for impatiens.  Part-shade.  12-24” x 12”. 
Solanum jasminoides ‘Variegatum’
     Variegated Potato Vine.  Bright golden variegated foliage with clusters of
     1” white star-shaped flowers on a dense fast growing vine. 
     Sun/Part-shade.  15-20’. 
Tropaeoleum majus
     Nasturtium.  Old-fashioned cottage garden favorite.  Edible 2” trumpet-
     shaped blooms have a sweet, mildly spicy flavor.  Part-shade.  12” x 12”.
Petunia grandiflora
     Grandiflora Petunia. Mostly upright plants produce large mounds covered 
     with 3-4” blooms throughout summer.  Full Sun.  12-15” x 12-15”.


Chimonanthus praecox
     Fragrant Wintersweet.  Large multi-stemmed shrub with lustrous dark green
     leaves.  Highly fragrant transparent yellow to purple flowers in mid-winter.
     Sun/Part-shade.  10-15’ x 8-12’.  Zone 6-9.
Hydrangea arborescens ‘Ryan Gainey’
     Ryan Gainey Hydrangea.  Excellent new selection by Don Shadow.  Darker
     green leaves, smaller more numerous blooms, and thicker stems than
     Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’.  Part-shade.  3-5’ x 3-5’.  Zone 4-9.
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’
     Limelight Hydrangea.  Large lime-green blooms in mid summer that age to
     rich deep pink.  Wonderful both in the landscape and as a cut flower.  Use
     in borders or as a specimen.  A de Belder introduction from Holland.  Sun/
     Part-shade.  6-8’ x 6-8’.  Zone 3-8.
Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Alice’
      Alice Oakleaf Hydrangea.  Large, quite vigorous shrub with 10-14” long
     creamy-white blooms that age to pink.  Dark green foliage turns burgundy-
     red in fall.  Selected by Michael Dirr.  Sun/Part-shade.  4-8’ x 4-8’. 
     Zone 5-9.
Ilex verticillata ‘Winter Red’
     Winterberry Holly.  Multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub with lustrous dark
     green leaves.  Persistent bright red berries in winter.  Introduced by
     Simpson Nursery.  Full Sun.  6-10’ x 6-10’.  Zone 3-9.
Ilex verticillata ‘Winter Gold’
     Branch sport of ‘Winter Red’ discovered at Simpson Nursery.  Fruits are
     yellowish tinged pinkish orange.  Leaves are lighter green than ‘Winter
     Red’.  Full Sun.  7’ x 7’.  Zone 3-9.
Osmanthus fragrans f. aurantiacus
     Fragrant Tea Olive.  Medium to large shrub with evergreen lustrous dark
     green leaves.  Extremely fragrant pale orange-colored flowers open in fall.
     Sun/Part-shade.  10-15’ x 6-8’.  Zone 7-9.
Osmanthus x fortunei ‘Fruitlandii’
     Fortune’s Osmanthus.  Upright form with deeply serrated dark green leaves.
     Pale cream-yellow flowers are exceedingly fragrant.  Blooms in fall.  Sun/
     Part-shade.  12-15’ x 6-8’.  Zone 6-9.
Pseudocydonia sinensis
     Chinese Quince.  Dense, multi-stemmed shrub or small tree.  Flowers are
     soft pink.  Fruits are fragrant, citron-yellow, 5-7” long, egg-shaped pomes.
     Beautiful exfoliating bark.  Full Sun.  15-20’ x 10-12’.  Zone 5-8.